Warning: It's Not Pretty
My SP10 hostess, Shelby, has created another contest. She is looking for organizing ideas and has asked to see our stash. Well... no organizing ideas here. In spite of that, I just can't resist entering a contest, so here is how a small portion of my stash looks.

I have tried different methods of organizing...attempting first to follow Sally Melville's method of organizing by color, as described in her book Sally Melville Styles. It didn't work for me. Next, I decided to try organizing by yarn weight. That seems to work better for me; but, I haven't gotten very far with this method. So, as it is now, some of my stash is organized by color and some is organized by weight, and some is just...not organized.

My attempt at organizing by color started with an idea I saw on a Martha Stewart Show. Martha was organizing kid's toys into these giant Ziploc bags and then hanging them from skirt/pants hangers. That seemed like a good idea; but, my bags kept sliding off the hangers...It looked so easy when Martha did it.
Now, I attempt to put yarn into plastic bins by yarn weight...I just haven't gotten very far with that idea.
Fortunately, most of the mess is behind closet doors...

When you open the doors, you see this...okay, I can't stop thinking of the famous shower scene in Psycho (click the link if you need a reminder) ...can you hear the music? Here we go...

Sheesh...I warned you...it isn't pretty!
that is some pretty crazy stash you have there...
LOL I never watch MS, but I can't imagine those ziplock ideas working very well unless all the air was out of them.
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